This presentation deals with a topic that interests me allot. I definitely agree with Annie Leonard. I too think we are living in a society where we are consuming our way to destruction. As a poor student with a very tight budget, I would not consider myself as a shopaholic. Looking around me, though, I’m seeing allot of people who are. I believe we all know someone who has to have everything in the latest version, but there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is last week version that he/she bought one month ago. This iPhone/computer/sweater gets thrown away and it lands on the humongous pile of trash that we cal “garbage dumb”. On top of this we should not forget that every time a new iPhone/computer/sweater is produced, raw materials are needed to be used as well. Every time raw materials are used the national recourses that we have on this planet is reduced.
The situation is untenable. Continuing this way we will destroy our own planet. I believe the only way too save this planet is to change our lifestyles. It is absolutely necessary that we slow down our consuming pace and start recycling.
I do not think we are doomed though. Because today many teenagers buy there clothes on second hand and just the other day I saw a commercial that requested the watcher to make exotic dishes from yesterdays leftovers. The society has started to realise the seriousness in this, and it has started to react. Let’s just hope that the people follow.